Dog School

Enjoy the learning

In my dog school every dog is welcome, no matter which age or breed. My motivation is, that you and your dog get easy through daily life. Furthermore that you have fun to learn new things together. Our fourleged friends want to please us and do things right. The relationship between human and dog can be strengthened by working together.

First training is Free … read more in “Prices”

Each dog has its own motivation (treats or toys), to learn new things. Based on this, we start the education. That´s why it is very important that you get to know your dog. And with this knowledge you will have success and fun in the course.

The speciality: dogs can play in the break with eachother. It supports the social skills of our fury friends.

Puppy School

Dog kids are at the beginning of their life and in puppy school they can learn through playing the rules of life. They don´t know what we want from them, but with patience, fun and empathy we can teach them these things. Like human children, puppies are very curious and love to discover everything. The goal in puppy school is to support their good behavior, to guide them through new situations, by not being overwhelmed.

Different training units – playing or learning – are the basics of my puppy school. Every puppy is welcome.

Single Training

Here you find help, when you are overwhelmed in a situation with your dog. In the single training we have a closer look at the problem and work on a successful solution. In the end you should be able to handle difficult situations and enjoy the life with your dog.

Frequently problems:

  • Walking on the leash
  • Fear- and stress management
  • Ressources-Management
  • Dailiy routine
  • Staying home alone
  • Training with bikes, rollerskates, jogger,

Bodylanguage – Workshop

In this workshop I want to teach and show how dogs communicate with us and with eachother. By theory you get the basic skills. With making videos of the dogs in different situations and analyzing them, you get an overview, how dog language works.

Group courses:

Who doesnt know the situation that the dog can do all commands at home with no distraction, but if there is suddenly another dog, all the concentration is gone and you can´t get any attention of your dog.

In the group course the challenge is, that dogs learn with disctraction to follow commands. Dog and human have to concentrate together to accomplish the goals.

My task is, that human and dog find together as a team and work their way through daily situations in real life.


The first time is always for free. You get information about the training and how the dogschool works.

5times Puppy course (3-6 m.) 125 €
10times Puppy course 225 € (1x is for free)
5times Teenager course (6-12 m.) 125 €
10times Teenager course 225 € (1x is for free)

5times Adultdog course (from 1 year on) 135 €
10times Adultdog course 250 € (1x is for free)
Special Course (Leash course, call back course 3times) 150 €

Workshop Bodylanguage dogs (3 hours theory and 2 hours practical part) 175 €

Private Training 80 €/ h

Bank Details: OP (Osuus Pankki) Iban: FI13 5280 0020 1157 13

Opening Hours:

Groupcourses Start 2. October 23. Applying now possible

Monday 17:30 pm ( from 8 months on)

Wednesday 10 am (for all dogs)

Wednesday 17:30 pm: (from 8 months on)

Thursday 15 pm (3-6 months)

Satuday 9 am (3-6 months)

Saturday 10:30 am ( from 8 months on)